Sunday, February 3, 2008

A scientist in the field------

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

A Scientist in the Field:
It is here that Bernal’s role as a humanist, a scientist (as much a practical one as a theorist) and a catalyst come to the fore. The threat of German aerial bombing had created panic in London (those were the pre radar days) and even trained scientists (including his friend J.B.S. Haldane) could not predict the damage potential of bombs of different sizes. It was clear that the working class would be the most vulnerable section in the event of bombings. Bernal considered it his duty to educate the citizens about the possible damages, and in constructing damage proof shelters. He sought the help of his friend Solly Zuckerman - a doctor, turned anatomist, turned curator of zoo - to conduct practical experiments. Some abandoned shelters were selected in the countryside . Zuckermann and Bernal brought apes and pigeons and left them in these shelters. They contacted the police department for incendiary bombs of different sizes. With the official sanction the bombs were exploded at different distances from these shelters and then they examined the damages to these captive animals. In a later experiment the two friends acted as their own “guinea pigs”, sitting in the shelters while the bombs were exploded nearby! These simple experiments showed that the believed damage potentials of most of the bombs were highly exaggerated. Their results proved invaluable for civil defence, particularly in working class areas and also generated more confidence amongst the citizens.
This involvement helped Bernal and his friends in gaining acceptance from the governmental defence establishments, even though Bernal was not in good books , i.e. “as red as the fire of hell”. His one time enemy Lord Mountbatten now became his supporter, for the most committed anti fascists were the Reds. Bernal was one of the pioneers in applying operations research ideas in these war years and was directly involved in the D-Day landing of the Allied forces in Normandy. His special attention was in devising aerial photography methods to photograph the shapes of waves on the Normandy beaches under different conditions of wind. From the patterns of these waves he devised methods to determine the inclinations of the beaches and conclude whether they could withstand the landing of tanks and armoured vehicles.


My village fellows are marching---

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

My village fellows are marching---

Dear all

We talk in a way and debate in the manner where enthusiasm is not enthused.Few lines we are singing collectively to motivate people. Let us see how much we can add---

My village folk are marching out with torches in their hands
My village folk will now win over the darkness
The huts asks the question and the fields also ask
Untill when will my village folk continue to be robbed
Knowing that nothing can be got here without a fight
My village folk are now ready to fight
Obstacles are crying out loud when they are kicked
My village folk are clanking their shakles
My village folk are marching out with torches in their hands
My village folk will now win over the darkness--------


Myth and realities regarding Population In India:--------

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Myth and realities regarding Population In India:--------
Since India’s independence has population growth overtaken food production?
Since India’s independence, its population has grown slightly less than 3 times, while food production has grown over 4 times.
Does higher population density leads to lower economic progress.
Orissa has a low population density (236 compared to 324 India) but the proportion of people living below the poverty line is the highest ( 47%).
Kerala on the other hand has a much higher population density ( 819) but is economically better off.
Netherlands and Japan have higher population densities than ours, but they are rich developed countries.

Is India’s population growing rapidly
India’s current population growth rate is the lowest in the last in fifty years
Large proportion of the population is young and in reproductive age group leading to momentum effect.
High fertility in some places because of unmet needs (there is a desire without services being available) for contraception
High fertility due to high infant mortality rate in some places
Over 50% girls are married before the age of 18- leading to “too early, too frequent, too many”. 33% births occur before 24 months of the earlier birth

Do we need a targeted population control program to help women?
Women are easy target of the Family Planning programme bypassing men
Operations are done hurriedly and with no care leading to death, complications and failure.
All other health services are unavailable


Iraqi Refugees Turn To prostitution

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Iraqi Refugees Turn To prostitution

No reliable figures of Iraqi prostitutes exist, but an increase in the number of Iraqi women seen in recent months in clubs and on the streets of Damascus, Amman and other cities suggests the problem is growing as more Iraqis flee their country's violence

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that around 2 million Iraqis have fled to neighboring countries since 2003.
But At'outa is just one of an estimated 1.5 million Iraqi refugees in Syria alone.
"I ask myself every day, what did I get out of this life? No family, no home and no honor," she said. "The guilt is ripping my body to shreds."
Who is to be blamed?


Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Dear All

Deepa is a one of the 25 ladies interviewed in a case study.

Deepa was 24 years old and her husband was 30 years old . She had two abortions at two and half months, third was a 8 month girl who died. Chhora to chahiye jaroor. Then she had to have a fourth child to be a girl The girl and half years old and at the time of interview. Compelled to have 5th baby who was a headless baby in 5th month term detected on USG. Medically advised to get abortion. Got aborted. The nanad had given her a tablet for son from Bahadurgarh for her last pregnancy. She was told not to see a woman for one hour after taking the tablet . . She has been married for 5 years and got pregnant within 2 months for the first time and since then she was under social stress to give birth to a boy. Lost in follow up. Donot know what happened next? Can we imagine what might have happened with her.?

R.S. Dahiya

Sethusamudram project

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Sethusamudram project

THE Hindutva brigade and their drumbeaters have decided once again to indulge in their favourite pastime. In the last couple of weeks they have been fuelling a campaign that attempts to resurrect the bogey of a "conspiracy" that supposedly negates evidence of "Hindu" India's glittering past ― this time focusing on the Sethusamudram project that will damage the "bridge" supposedly built for Lord Rama's army to cross over to Lanka. In different guises, the Hindutva brigade has attempted to mix science, history, mythology and faith, in order to hoodwink the Indian people and foist upon them their divisive and sectarian agenda. It is an extremely convenient and canny potion, and the Hindutva brigade have perfected the art of concocting it. If we dispute their own scientific arguments, then they fall back on the argument that science cannot override faith. If we question their interpretation of history, we are faced with the contention that mythology and history are inseparable, and in cases of dispute the former will always prevail!
