Sunday, February 3, 2008


Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Dear All

Deepa is a one of the 25 ladies interviewed in a case study.

Deepa was 24 years old and her husband was 30 years old . She had two abortions at two and half months, third was a 8 month girl who died. Chhora to chahiye jaroor. Then she had to have a fourth child to be a girl The girl and half years old and at the time of interview. Compelled to have 5th baby who was a headless baby in 5th month term detected on USG. Medically advised to get abortion. Got aborted. The nanad had given her a tablet for son from Bahadurgarh for her last pregnancy. She was told not to see a woman for one hour after taking the tablet . . She has been married for 5 years and got pregnant within 2 months for the first time and since then she was under social stress to give birth to a boy. Lost in follow up. Donot know what happened next? Can we imagine what might have happened with her.?

R.S. Dahiya

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