Sunday, February 3, 2008

Myth and realities regarding Population In India:--------

Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

Myth and realities regarding Population In India:--------
Since India’s independence has population growth overtaken food production?
Since India’s independence, its population has grown slightly less than 3 times, while food production has grown over 4 times.
Does higher population density leads to lower economic progress.
Orissa has a low population density (236 compared to 324 India) but the proportion of people living below the poverty line is the highest ( 47%).
Kerala on the other hand has a much higher population density ( 819) but is economically better off.
Netherlands and Japan have higher population densities than ours, but they are rich developed countries.

Is India’s population growing rapidly
India’s current population growth rate is the lowest in the last in fifty years
Large proportion of the population is young and in reproductive age group leading to momentum effect.
High fertility in some places because of unmet needs (there is a desire without services being available) for contraception
High fertility due to high infant mortality rate in some places
Over 50% girls are married before the age of 18- leading to “too early, too frequent, too many”. 33% births occur before 24 months of the earlier birth

Do we need a targeted population control program to help women?
Women are easy target of the Family Planning programme bypassing men
Operations are done hurriedly and with no care leading to death, complications and failure.
All other health services are unavailable


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