Wednesday, January 30, 2008


ROHTAK District: At a Glance

The district Rohtak is located in the south east region of Haryana state. It is surrounded by Jind and Sonipat districts on the north, Jhajjar district on the south, Jhajjar and Sonipat district on the east and Hisar and Bhiwani districts on the west side. The town is situated on Delhi - Hisar National Highway No. 10 at a distance of 75 km from Delhi.

Rohtak is considered to be the political capital of Haryana and has given birth to several political leaders of the state. The town has a glorious history and is believed to have derived its name from the Roherra (Tacoma undulate) tree called Rohitaka in Sanskrit.

Asthal bohar, a place situated 6-7 Km east of Rohtak city is known for its ancient sculptured stone idols. Meham town is 30 km west of Rohtak town and has two ancient monuments in the town - Jama Masjid and Pirzada Masjid which are worth visiting.

Facts & Figures

Area 1668.47sq. km
Latitude 28.9 N
Longitude 76.56667 E
Population (2001) 9, 40000
Population Density 539 per sq. km
Males 5, 08000
Females 4, 31000
SexRatio 847
UrbanizationRatio 35.06
Literacy Rate 74.56%
Sub-Division 2
Tehsil 2
Sub-Tehsil 1
Blocks 5
Villages 146
Averagerainfall 458.5 mm
PostalCode 124001
STDCode 01262

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