Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Saksar Sawasth Aur secular Haryana

No. of Villages: 6955

No. of Villages Inhabited: 6781

Intensity of Irrigation: 177

Percentage of irrigated to net sown area: 82.4

Fertilizer Consumption (Kgs / Hect.): 171 (NP Ratio 3.1:1)

Average Rainfall (mm.): 455

No. of holdings (Total) (in lakh): 17.28

Marginal farmers (in lakh) (Up to 1 hect.): 8.15 (47 %)

Small farmers (in lakh) (1-2 hect.) 3.38 (20 %)

Others (in lakh) (Above 2 hect.) 5.75 (33 %)

Foodgrains Prod. (Million Tonnes) (2003-04) 13.2

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Rs. in Crore) (2002-03): 34800.40

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